Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stuck at the Airport

So I missed my flight.. Woops. I am now taking the 6AM plane back to Boston, and also spending the night in the airport instead of heading back to Grinnell so I can force myself to write this goddamn english paper. Fuck you english.
Things I hate about this airport include: They only play country music on the loudspeaker, you can't get out of earshot of the loudspeaker, seating isn't very comfortable, they lack a bar that serves to minors.. Basically it is a horrible place.
Things i do like about this airport: It allowed me to see KIRSTEN LOUTHAN for the first time since December. That pretty much makes up for everything but the country music.
But high-biz's all around, first year of college is finished! Exciting. Ready for the second one.. Right after I sit around and do nothing academic for a couple months.
Currently I have no summer plans except for working on my tan and crossing things off the extensive bucket list I made.  Actually I am going to NY and VT for a bit, if those count as plans. And also training for soccer, because GWC is going to dominate this season. 
I can't really justify putting my paper off any longer though, so ima cut this blog post off. Have wonderful summers ya'll. GC Pride