Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer 2011

Waddup enthusiatic blog followers?!?!? Ima go ahead and start rambling
My day was pretty cool. I took the ferry into Boston.

Then I walked through the Holocaust memorial near the wharf.. Super sad. I love crying at 9AM. It was a ver moving memorial. Then I took the T to the Isabella Gardner museum and wandered there for a couple hours. It's prob my favorite museum in Boston, I dunno why I don't go there more often. It was this art collector's house (she's dead now) and now her collection/house is a museum. 


You get free admission if it's your birthday or your name is Isabella (cause her name was Isabella).. place is Bo$$, right? It's also only $5 if youre a student so I was down with that. I had all these tortilla chips from Qdoba cause I got breakfast there so when I left the museum I gave them to the coat check chick. She was pretty psyched. Then I walked to the BPL and met up with Izzy and we got lunch and CHEESECAKE.. Omg I died it was so good. It was like this Reeces/Snickers/Butterfinger combo.. Superb. 

 Then I went shopping and bought this ballin' shirt with this naked mermaid on it. Not totally naked I guess, no hooha, just the rack is visible. But still, neat shirt. I also got a flouncy lil' dress but I decided it doesnt flatter me enough so I'm going to return it. Then I went to my friend Eugene's apt and stayed too long and missed the ferry home so then I had to take the T and beg my sister to pick me up. She agreed to do so and tried to pick me up, but unfortunately she is a dunce and went to the wrong train station. No worries though I got home unscathed. Then I went out to dinner and drove along with my sister bumping to my mom's cd titled "housecleaning megamix" featuring "i'm too sexy" by right said fred and a lot of other songs I don't know. It's a hilarious cd. Then I went running and halfway through I got blisters cause I was too lazy to go find socks so I had to run the rest of the way barefoot. Which sucked cause there's lots of small rocks on the sidewalk and I stepped on all of them. Now I'm chillen in bed, and I have a doctor's appt at 830AM and work right after so it'll be a super fun day. On the flip side high tide is at 4PM so i'll be able to go swimming when I get outta work. Nice. Also, I just got a twitter on Monday. Follow me @MackShanahan bitchessssssssssss. Night!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stuck at the Airport

So I missed my flight.. Woops. I am now taking the 6AM plane back to Boston, and also spending the night in the airport instead of heading back to Grinnell so I can force myself to write this goddamn english paper. Fuck you english.
Things I hate about this airport include: They only play country music on the loudspeaker, you can't get out of earshot of the loudspeaker, seating isn't very comfortable, they lack a bar that serves to minors.. Basically it is a horrible place.
Things i do like about this airport: It allowed me to see KIRSTEN LOUTHAN for the first time since December. That pretty much makes up for everything but the country music.
But high-biz's all around, first year of college is finished! Exciting. Ready for the second one.. Right after I sit around and do nothing academic for a couple months.
Currently I have no summer plans except for working on my tan and crossing things off the extensive bucket list I made.  Actually I am going to NY and VT for a bit, if those count as plans. And also training for soccer, because GWC is going to dominate this season. 
I can't really justify putting my paper off any longer though, so ima cut this blog post off. Have wonderful summers ya'll. GC Pride

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Almost done with Spring Break

These volcanoes have no relevance. So I am 75% done with my freshman year at Grinnell.. What the hell?! I'm going to be a senior before I know it! And then comes real life.. I want to be a freshman forever! Sort of. Maybe not a freshman forever, but perhaps a sophmore. I think they have it the best. Not completely clueless about everything, but also not stressing too bad about Real Life that begins to loom on the horizon once you're a junior and still have no idea what to do with your life. Whateverrr people get older. Can't stop nature brah

But this break has been pretty okay. I've seen most of my friends that are home so that's been nice. I've spent a lot of time with the family so I won't feel weird about not seeing them for 4 months like I did first semester. My sister is deciding on schools now that she has all her acceptance letters, and is probably going to end up at WPI. So she'll be like an hour-ish away from home, whereas I'll still be 23 hours. But that's what planes are for! Other than hanging out, I've basically been shopping, hitting up the gym and sleeping. It hasn't been productive in any measure, unless you count how fuckinnnnn cool my new sky shirt is.. actually I do count that it's way cute. It's silk and SKY PATTERNED.. theres like clouds and things on it.. it's great. Best purchase ever. Maybe not ever.. but still it's way up there.
Oh also I'm going to miss my cat a lot. I'm not like a crazy cat lady, but puppy study breaks don't satisfy my desire to pet things with fur, and having my cat on campus would be a great solution for this. There are lots of downsides that outweigh this solution though soooo it's best if she stays here. Byee Coco! And bye to any fools that have read this as well, I'm going to nap.