Sunday, March 27, 2011

Almost done with Spring Break

These volcanoes have no relevance. So I am 75% done with my freshman year at Grinnell.. What the hell?! I'm going to be a senior before I know it! And then comes real life.. I want to be a freshman forever! Sort of. Maybe not a freshman forever, but perhaps a sophmore. I think they have it the best. Not completely clueless about everything, but also not stressing too bad about Real Life that begins to loom on the horizon once you're a junior and still have no idea what to do with your life. Whateverrr people get older. Can't stop nature brah

But this break has been pretty okay. I've seen most of my friends that are home so that's been nice. I've spent a lot of time with the family so I won't feel weird about not seeing them for 4 months like I did first semester. My sister is deciding on schools now that she has all her acceptance letters, and is probably going to end up at WPI. So she'll be like an hour-ish away from home, whereas I'll still be 23 hours. But that's what planes are for! Other than hanging out, I've basically been shopping, hitting up the gym and sleeping. It hasn't been productive in any measure, unless you count how fuckinnnnn cool my new sky shirt is.. actually I do count that it's way cute. It's silk and SKY PATTERNED.. theres like clouds and things on it.. it's great. Best purchase ever. Maybe not ever.. but still it's way up there.
Oh also I'm going to miss my cat a lot. I'm not like a crazy cat lady, but puppy study breaks don't satisfy my desire to pet things with fur, and having my cat on campus would be a great solution for this. There are lots of downsides that outweigh this solution though soooo it's best if she stays here. Byee Coco! And bye to any fools that have read this as well, I'm going to nap. 

1 comment:

  1. ahahahhahah kenzzzzz. miss you. glad to see youre blogging about your dramatic life consisting of chilling with your cat and buying sky-patterned shirts. LOL. jk love youuuuuu
