Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter 2012

Hello blogging world! I know my presence has been missed, but I have been mad busy with life and stuff so the blog had to take a backseat for a lil bit. Sorry I'm not sorry.
My Winter break has been cool so far I suppose. Activities I have participated in frequently since my arrival in MA include shopping, sleeping, and pussyfooting.  The last of these things is more innocent than it sounds- it's like fucking around and wasting time 'cause you have a great deal of time on your hands. An example would be: I went on a lil hike in some woods near my house and what should've taken us 45 mins to do took us 2 and 1/2 hours because we kept wandering down dead end side paths and making see-saws outta logs and generally horsing around. I was exhausted when we got back though. If you even suspect you might pussyfoot during a physical activity, you should bring trailmix or something so you're not semi-delirious when it's over
I will now address the other two activities I mentioned. I've gotten 10 hrs of sleep minimum every night since I've been home, LIKE A BO$$. Seriously, I am so well rested all of the time. It's like a reward for all those all-nighters I pulled where I was just like "I can sleep when I'm dead", but as it has happened, I am still alive and getting tons of sleep, so it's sort of like getting your cake and eating it too. BOO-YA. I've had a lot of weird dreams too but I won't get into them here or anything, mostly cause they're all crazy vivid so it would take fucking forever to describe them
Shopping has been really fantastic.  Every break I come home and I'm like "how have I not done this for the past 4 months?!?!!?!?" and then I remember for most of the year I live in a place where malls don't exist and then as my wallet gets emptier I'm like "ya it's prob for the best malls don't exist there". I got these pair of silver cross earrings last week and wore them on new years and some asshole called me a lady-gaga wannabe. I meant to respond with a "fuck you", but he walked away before I could say anything so I didn't get my rebuttal in. Shame. I actually knew him so a "fuck you" wouldn't be as extreme as it may sound. There was also a really big fight at the party I was at for new years. More like a brawl actually. I didn't get hurt, and nobody walked out with anything more than a bruise, so I was more entertained than frightened about the whole thing.
Things I don't wanna elaborate on but would still like to mention:
1) Get a twitter
2) Don't be an asshole
3) Sending letters is a really nice gesture of friendship


1 comment:

  1. YOLO! <3

    ive been shopping like a mofo too since ive been home. ive literally spent about a hundred bucks since ive been home. and that with my mom paying for all my stuff the first 2 trips. lol i miss you, kenz. lots o love.
